Geoffry Heffe

Emissary of Helios

The oldest man alive. Geoffrey Heffe is the almost-immortal leader of the Cult of Helios. Kept alive by the most advanced biogenetics known to man and a series of machines the great leader remains alive in a bubble that allows his body to float in an amniotic-like fluid, and continue to function as the head of the Cult.   During his younger years, Geoffrey was an explorer working for WayCorp. The discovery of the remains of Colony Ship U.E.F London on London High would be the single even that will change his life and the understanding of everyone in The Reach about the true origin of all Humans in the known world.   Geoffrey, would spent over 5 cycles in complete isolation reading and working on the archives of the Mothership London before returing to WayCorp's HQ on Vega Prime to announce his discovery and the founding of his life's work the Cult of Helios.   In the years to come, Geoffrey will grow the seeds of his idea to a great tree, with its branches spanning the whole of the known world, and changing the course of the life for billions.   As Geoffrey approached his 190th birthday and started to feel the weight of the years on his shoulders he understood that his legacy still needed him around. It was at this point that he approached Aradia Biotech in order to get himself into a "Coccoon" that will allow him to live almost indefinitely.   Presently Geoffrey is considering that his legacy should be handed over to Trisia Librum his right hand and high priestess of the Temple of Helios.
Year of Birth
599 AFL 1688 Years old
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