The Battle of Jorringmund

The battle of Jorringmund also known as the night of the fallen skies was an engagement between the Sinhte Corp 3rd Scout division and a significant force of Green Dragon Coalition starships above the skies of planet Jorringmund.
  The battle is known for two reasons. The first being that the engagement started by a mistake in translation that caused the two forces to start firing at each other with no provocation. The second is the fact that the battle of Jorringmund was the first time that an orbital station deorbited and landed on top of a heavily populated civilian colony killing over 150,000 colonists in seconds.

The Conflict


During the first hours of 5.5.2028 the 3rd Scouts forces of Sinhte Corp was moored and undergoing routing maintenance on the shipyard of Jorringmund Station I above in orbit over Jorringmund Mining Colony III. It was at this poin that a small fleet of 12 ships, 3 corvettes, 1 destroyer and 8 haulers starrised above the planet's orbit.


Sinhte Forces

x1 Aroyo Class Cruiser (Sinte)   x4 Laralei Class Destroyers (Sinhte)   x1 Dhelian Class Frigate (Sinthe)  

Green Dragon Coalition

x3 Malorka Class Corvettes   x1 Tharmous Class Destroyer   x8 Danielon Class Haulers  

Other Parties

Jorringmund Orbital Station   Jorringmund Mining Colony III
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1028 AFL
Conflict Result
Utter Destruction of the Jorringmund Orbital Station, Mining Colony III and 50,000 colonists


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