Lineage | Level 1 | Level 3 | Level 5 |
Feywild Elf | You know the Prestidigitation (Prestidigitation) cantrip. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can replace that cantrip with a different cantrip from the Wizard spell list. | Detect Magic (Detect Magic) | Misty Step (Misty Step) |
Shadowfell Elf | You know the Infestation (Infestation) cantrip. You have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Feared condition. | Cause Fear (Cause Fear) | Wither and Bloom (Wither and Bloom) |
Underdark Elf | The range of your Darkvision increases to 120 feet. You also know the Dancing Lights (Dancing Lights) cantrip. | Faerie Fire (Faerie Fire) | Darkness (Darkness) |
Forest Elf | Your Speed increases to 35 feet. You also know the Druidcraft (Druidcraft) cantrip. | Longstrider (Longstrider) | Pass without Trace (Pass without Trace) |
Swamp Elf | You know the Primal Savagery cantrip. You have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned condition. | Detect Poison and Disease (Detect Poison and Disease) | Barkskin (Barkskin) |
Sea Elf | Your swim speed is equal to your Speed. You know the Shape Water (Shape Water) cantrip. | Fog Cloud (Fog Cloud) | Gust of Wind (Gust of Wind) |
Mountain Elf | Your climb speed is equal to your Speed. You know the Mold Earth (Mold Earth) cantrip. | Earth Tremor (Earth Tremor) | Levitate (Levitate) |
Desert Elf | You know the Minor Illusion (Minor Illusion) cantrip. | Zephyr Strike (Zephyr Strike) | Dust Devil (Dust Devil) |
Crystal Elf | You know the Resistance (Resistance) cantrip. | Absorb Elements (Absorb Elements) | Magic Weapon (Magic Weapon) |
Snow Elf | You can walk on snow and ice and do not leaf any traces behind and are not affected by difficult terrain related to snow or ice. You know the Frostbite (Frostbite) cantrip. | Ice Knife (Ice Knife) | Rime's Binding Ice (Rime's Binding Ice) |