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Stone Joten Raider - Joten 7

A creature with clear violent intention, seemingly carved from mountain stone, massive, hulking, a boulder in hand that as it approaches, calling out with a thundering voice like a landslide in its own language. As it continues forward, it tosses the boulder with surprising accuracy, and terrifying force.
Perception 1d20+15
Languages Joten, Valarian
Skills Athletics: 1d20+17 , Craft (Engineering): 1d20+11 , Intimidate: 1d20+10 , Society: 1d20+11 , Nature: 1d20+11 , Lore (Engineering): 1d20+11

STR +6 , DEX +3 , CON +7 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +1

Items Large Size Greatclub   Crude Mail and Gambeson Armor sized for a large creature   10% chance of a basic enchanted item from 1 of the following three; Shielding Ring, Bracers of the Bull, or Boots of Swiftness.   - Shielding Ring: Takes a Ring slot, Grants the wearer +1 AC, and also grants them a special reaction that can be activated 1/day with a command word. Deflect: You choose to activate this against an incoming attack, ranged or melee or spell, but it must be single target. You reduce the success level of the attack against you by 1 step (so a crit becomes a hit, a hit becomes a miss, a miss becomes a critical miss.).   - Bracers of the Bull: Grants the Wearer +2 to Strength (not calculated, so if you roll this item for a raider, their Strength Modifier should be +7)   - Boots of Swiftness: Wearer has +1 to Reflex Saves (not calculated) and increases their base movement speed by 5 feet. (not calculated
AC 25
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+18 , Ref 1d20+12 , Will 1d20+11 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+15 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+2 , Ego Save: 1d20+1
HP93 6d12+55 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (7): Thunder, Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage
Speed 40 feet
Melee Melee-Greatclub: 10 feet reach. 1d20+17 to hit. Two Handed. 2d10+6 bludgeoning damage. Uses Titanic Dice as appropriate   Melee-Unarmed Strike: 5 feet reach 1d20+15 to hit. [roll 1d12+6] Bludgeoning damage. Uses Titanic Dice as appropriate
Ranged Boulder Toss: 100 feet range, 1d20+19 to hit. Deals [roll 2d12+6] bludgeoning damage. Uses Titanic Dice as appropriate.   A typical raider will have a sort of rucksack of 4-7 moderate sized rocks, more like small boulders that they can throw with one hand.
Special Abilities Stone-Thrower: Instead of using d8s, a Stone Joten uses d12s for their tossed boulder damage. They also have a range of 100 feet instead of 50 feet as their first range increment compared to most any other Joten kin when it comes to throwing things, specifically for rocks and boulders.   Titanic Dice: 1d6 This feature normally is reserved for Huge creatures and larger, but Joten are an exception, even the smallest of them. They seem to inherently not just be large, but know how to really utilize that size advantage inherently, instinctually, in combat. They add a roll of this die to the damage they deal with any weapon attack that their Strength Attribute applies to, so long as it is against a creature at least 1 size smaller than they are.   Environmental Mastery (Mountains/Hills/Subterranean): Stone Joten are basically one with the earth, despite their corrupted nature, they are beasts born of the mountains, born of stone and soil. They leave no trace when travelling in terrains that are dominate in this presence of stone and earth, and cannot suffer difficult terrain penalties. Furthermore they have +4 to any saving throw in regards to any natural hazard they have to overcome.   Quaking Rush: A Stone Joten can actually create small tremors and quakes as they move if they choose to. They must move their full movement speed in a straight line, and cannot move stealthily for this movement. This movement can provoke reactions, but cannot by stopped in any way, even by a creature using Sentinel or other abilities, unless that creature is equal size or larger to the Joten. As they move, all creatures within the path of their movement, or within 10 feet of them at any point as they move must attempt a Power Save, DC=21. If a target critically succeeds, they keep their footing and suffer half damage. If a target merely succeeds, they take half damage and are thrown prone. If a target fails they take 4d8+6 Thunder and Bludgeoning damage (mixed damage, assume a roll is half and half, always favoring bludgeoning) and thrown prone. If a target critically fails, they take double damage, are thrown prone and also are Stunned (1). Using this ability is labor intensive, and so for the next 1d6 rounds a Stone Joten who uses this is under the effect of Slow (1).   Tremor Sense: 60 feet of Tremor Sense, provides +4 to Perception against creatures whom are on solid ground that the Joten is also on, within range.   Geomancy Sensitivity: Though they are not really magickally inclined, Stone Joten inherently seem to have a sensitivity to Geomancy, and immediately become aware of anyone weaving such a spell within 100 feet of them.
Stone Joten, as with any Joten, are intelligent enough to have profession levels. the most common of which would be a Shaman of Avarita (Greed), a Warrior focused on Two-Handed Weapons, a Brawler, a Breserker (Battlerager), or a Hunter (Scout) would be the most common, though these are not hard and fast rules. However as with most monsters, you wouldn't really use Priests or Magisters, those roles being filled by Shamans. Templars would need to be adjusted to utilize Shaman spells/abilities but less of them. However as always, consider very carefully before adding levels to a creature, as it will alter their effective level and challenge, and can in fact alter it in unexpected ways, with not a perfect 1 level=+1 challenge in all cases, so such things require a GM to use their best judgement.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
