Spent 1 Force Point 03/23/2024 to Channel Force into Captain Aerena Kolene so that she could circumvent the timestop field and save the entire Ragtag Fleet.
Spent 1 Force Point 08/13/2022 at the start of
Episode 3.08 Chapter 14 to deform one of the Concord's plasma braziers, hopefully startling all of the enemy into not paying murderous attention to Reese. Refunded on 09/24/2022
Last updated on 06/18/2022 in the middle of
Episode 3.08 Chapter 13,
spent 1 Force Point on the round to alert Beskar about the Anti-Life Equation App while also detaching the Skull Room Force Field to instead fill the north corridor. Refunded on 09/24/2022
Previously updated on 04/23/2022 at the end of
Episode 3.08 Chapter 9, added 3 Character Points and 1 Force Point. We have only 2 weeks before start of next chapter, which means Vanya does not really have time to spend those points! She'd need to find a teacher and she would need to divert her attention away from the large pile of Things Urgently Needing Doing.
2 Force Points removed on 9/15/2019 at the end of
Episode 3.07 Chapter 2, 1 to attempt to channel the Force to Davish who was trying to collapse the Nightsister's Force Scream, 1 to Transfer Force to help him with the aftermath. Refunded.
1 Character Point added on 10/23/2021 during
Episode 3.07 Chapter 13 because I realized the dissolving Unnatural Sand Creatures looked a lot like the dissolving 3d printed fake "Reavers" of a couple months ago.
1 Force Point removed on 11/06/2021to try to lift up whatever's surrounding Rico and Goss in their unconscious subterranean mystery location. Refunded.
Vanya never puts any security measures on her DataPADD (which is a specific model of the ubiquitous
datapad found across the Galaxy). Vanya presumes that anybody interested in hacking is going to be better at getting into her inexpensive personal device than any encryption software suite she could acquire. Therefore, three things are true:
- Nothing truly sensitive or confidentail ever goes into VNY's DataPADD;
- Additional sources are always necessary for verification of any "facts" found in VNY's DataPADD;
- The Holopedia and BountyPedia are peppered with snippets from VNY's DataPADD. These snippets are all subject to the above two conditions.