Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Feed on Dark Side, Force Lightning, Inflict Pain, Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force
Sense / Alter Powers
Dim Other's Senses
Control / Sense / Alter Powers
Affect Mind, Control Mind, Doppelganger, Drain Life Essence, Enhanced Coordination, Telekinetic Kill, Transfer Life
Special Abilities
Aquatic: Gungans are as at home in water as they are in air, capable of holding their breaths for extended periods while swimming, allowing them to remain submerged between breaths for many minutes. Although this does serve them some advantage in a vacuum, they have no resistance to the other deleterious effects that this environment has on their bodies.
Cartilaginous Body Structure: With very few bones, and most of their body supports made from flexible cartilage, Gungans are resistant to blunt trauma, resisting non-piercing physical damage with a bonus 2D. This offers no protection against projectile weapons, energy weapons or stabbing/slashing weapons such as knives or swords. However it does provide them with impressive resistance to concussion waves such as blast waves from grenades.
Star Wars d6 Sheet v1.5, made by Kummer Wolfe#7798 ( Kummer Wolfe Profile ) - Updated 10.3.2021