-Armored shell (+3D to Strength when resisting damage, –2D to Dexterity)
-Assault cannon (plasma load damage is 6D, range 3-25/50/200)
-Heuristic processor (the droid is able to use skills untrained)
-Infrared vision (can see in the dark up to 30 meters)
-Long-range rockets (fired from assault cannon; range: 10-50/200/800, blast radius: 0-2/4/8/12, damage: 12D/9D/6D/3D)
-Low-light vision (can see twice as far as a human in dim light)
-Magnetic feet (the droid’s feet are equipped with electromagnetic grippers)
-Seeker missile firing tubes (range: 5-30/100/300, damage: 6D, scale: Speeder)
-Vocabulator (the droid has a speaker that allows it to replicate organic speech)
-Maneuvering jets (+1D bonus to its repulsorlift operation skill)
-Repulsorlift unit (allows the droid to fly up to an altitude of 1000 meters)