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Tahir DL-80 Air Rifle



  • Accessories (No Suppressor)
  • Barrel
  • Sight
  •   Magazine Size: 8 (each D12 counts as one shot), 8 Pressurized Shots   Cartridge: Dart or Ball Bearing   Special Maneuver
  • Aimed Shot - Fire one shot with +5 bonus to hit as an attack, can be used if the player has not moved yet on this turn.
  •   Special Properties:
  • Armor Piercing I
  • Air-Powered
  • Marksman Rifle, +3 to hit at ranges greater than 30 feet
  • Stealthy
  •   Loading: Uses a bonus action to reload 4 shots, requires a full action to reload, bonus action to pressurize, must be pressurized to fire   Jamming: On a critical failure, roll a 1D12, if it lands on a 1, the weapon is jammed and requires a bonus action (D&D5E) or an action point (PF2E) to clear the jam   Weight: 7   Handling: 2-handed

    An air rifle that can both be used for long range delivery of drugs or medication or as a near-silent weapon. Fires darts with an effective range of 60 feet and a long range of 90 feet. Can be used to silently launch metal ball bearings and deal 1d12+3 Piercing damage when pressurized. Requires a bonus action to re-pressurize the chamber and a bonus action to load the dart magazine or ball bearing magazine. It is often used for animal control or hunting vermin.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Simple Ranged 1d12+3 Piercing 60/90

    Weight: 7lbs

    Created by


    Statblock Type

