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Alloyed Compound Bow



  • Grip
  • Limbs
  • String
  • Sights
  •   Special Maneuvers
  • Heavy Draw - Before moving on your turn, you draw your bow to its full length, adding an extra damage bonus on top of your normal modifiers, equal to your Dexterity or Strength modifier as a Bonus Action for your next attack. Performing this maneuver halves your remaining movement this turn. You may perform this maneuver again after your next turn.
  • Precise Draw - Before moving on your turn, you spend additional time aiming the weapon before letting the arrow loose as a Bonus Action. Give yourself advantage on your next attack roll. You may perform this maneuver again after your next turn.
  •   Special Properties
  • Archery Weapon - Each attack with this weapon uses up one arrow unless otherwise specified. Long range attacks made with this weapon are one die size smaller and one AP rating lower. Does half the rolled damage to vehicles.
  • Armor Piercing IV
  • Finesse - With this weapon, you can choose to use your Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls.
  • Hunting Tool - Can be used to give Advantage on Survival checks when hunting for food
  • Stealthy - Firing this weapon does not alert enemies that are outside of initiative or when you attack while hidden. After attacking, roll a Stealth check versus the target's Passive Perception.
  •   Weight: 6   Handling: 2-handed

    Boasting the highest velocity of any of the traditional bows, the Alloyed Compound Bow flies the farthest and deals the most damage, ignoring the damage reduction from Heavy and lighter armor. This bow uses stronger materials than the regular Compound Bow.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Martial Ranged 3d12 (3d10) Piercing 270/450

    Weight: 6lbs

    Created by


    Statblock Type

