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Recurve Crossbow



  • Grip
  • Limbs
  • String
  • Sights
  •   Magazine Size: 1 Arrow or Bolt   Special Maneuvers
  • Aimed Shot - Before moving on your turn, add double your Proficiency bonus to the attack roll for the first attack you make with this weapon.
  • Crippling Shot - You aim for the legs or other appendages of your target without your Proficiency Bonus. If your attack is successful, the target's movement is hindered and can only move half its normal movement speed until the start of your next turn.
  •   Special Properties
  • Accurate - Within the effective range, you have a +1 bonus to hit with your attack rolls.
  • Armor Piercing II
  • Archery Weapon - Each attack with this weapon uses up one arrow or bolt unless otherwise specified. Long range attacks made with this weapon are one die size smaller and one AP rating lower. Does half the rolled damage to vehicles.
  • Hunting Tool - Can be used to give Advantage on Survival checks when hunting for food.
  • Loading - Crossbows can be reloaded as a Bonus Action after firing.
  • Stealthy - Firing this weapon does not alert enemies that are outside of initiative or when you attack while hidden. After attacking, roll a Stealth check versus the target's Passive Perception.
  •   Weight: 5   Handling: 2-handed

    The Recurve crossbow is an easy-to-use weapon with great accuracy and versatility. It's a favorite of survivalists for the fact that the ammunition is easily recovered and the noise it makes is minimal compared to firearms. Compared to bows, crossbows tend to do more damage in shorter range and have higher accuracy within their effective ranges. It features a stirrup for easier loading.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Simple Ranged 1d10 (1d8) Piercing 60/270

    Weight: 5lbs

    Created by


    Statblock Type

