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Mysterious Tome


Legendary When attuned, translates the *Mysterious Tome*, granting wielder access to its *power*. Requires Attunement

To attune to the Mysterious Tome, you must spend 8 hours reading its dark pages (Can be done during a long rest). As you concentrate on its glowing symbols, the tome seems to react, pulling you deeper into its mysteries. Whispers in an unknown language coil around your mind, filling you with both dread and insatiable curiosity.

During this attunement process, make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw. Those who understand the runes roll with advantage; those who don't, roll with disadvantage.

  • On a Success: You resist the lure of the whispers, but you feel an unsettling presence at the edge of your consciousness. Translates the Mysterious Tome.
  • On a Failure: You fall prey to the tome's influence, suffering (1d4 - 1) levels of exhaustion as its knowledge overwhelms your mind. You fail attunement as dark thoughts linger, and your dreams are haunted by cryptic, incomprehensible symbols.

by Mike GPT

This tome exudes a palpable, ominous presence. Its cover appears in constant flux, as dark, shifting patterns ripple across its surface. Upon opening, you find the pages inscribed with intricate runes of a long forgotten language. A faint, purple glow emanates from the symbols, compelling you to look closer.

When attuned, translates the Mysterious Tome, granting wielder access to its power.

Cost: 20 gold
Weight: 2

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