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Accelerator Rifle



Auto (Special), reload (100 shots)

D&D Firearm Rules

Weapon Properties

This pulse weapon launches magnetically contained plasma, though lacking the punch of other related weapons. Rather, the accelerator dramatically increases its fire rate the longer its trigger is depressed, increasing damage at the cost of magazine capacity.

Escalation After making an attack with the accelerator rifle, if you attack again on your next turn, and continue to do so, each subsequent attack increases the damage of an autofire attack at the cost of ammunition. This increase reverts back to baseline if you fail to make an attack on your next turn. By your second attack, the accelerator can count as an auto-heavy weapon. Because of recoil, there is also a minimum level before higher tiers are unlocked.

First Attack—auto 1d8 (5 rounds)
Second Attack—auto 1d10 (10 rounds, 4th level)
Third Attack—auto 2d6 (15 rounds, 6th level)
Fourth Attack—auto 2d8 (20 rounds, 8th level)

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Ranged 1d6 Piercing 100/400ft

Cost: N¥ 10.000
Weight: 10lb

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