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Ultramodern5 Redux

Mind Phazer (Bio)



AP, organic (20-M)

D&D Firearm Rules

Check Weapon Properties for AP & Organic properties

Weapon Properties

One feature of all bioweapons is their regenerative ammo.
Incapable of being reloaded, ammo is regenerated during combat or a short or long rest (the weapons either siphon energy from its user or ingest surrounding resources).
If you run out of ammunition during combat, you must finish a short or long rest before being able to use the weapon again.

Mind Phazer.

This weapon features a large amount of brain tissue designed to generate and focus psychic power.
Despite no barrel, the weapon emits visible energy that appears to circumvent physical armor.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Ranged 2d6 Psychic 100/400ft

Cost: N¥ 35.000
Weight: 20lb.

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Statblock Type

