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Ultramodern5 Redux

Proton Wand



Heavy, nuclear, reload (special)

D&D Firearm Rules

Check Weapon Properties & Groups for Heavy & Nuclear properties

Weapon Properties

Weapon Groups

This bizarre and dangerous weapon is believed to have predated many modern nuclear accelerators, though possessing unique properties that later successors lack. A proton wand gains its energy from a connected back-mounted miniature Uranium-235 power pack, giving it an effectively infinite lifespan. However, its fire control system is rudimentary, resulting in limited range and accuracy.

Its most outlandish feature is a wand’s capacity, thanks to its electrostatically polarized protons, of ensnaring creatures not entirely within physical reality.

Ensnare (4th level):
On your next turn, after hitting a target with the proton wand, as an action, you can employ the weapon to grapple the same target using the weapon’s energy; it is counted as having a Strength of 20 and proficiency with Strength (Athletics) checks. This attack can target creatures immune to being grappled or restrained. You cannot use the proton wand against another target while it is grappling.

Particle Thrower (4th level):
The proton wand can target ethereal creatures (including creatures in the ethereal plane), assuming you can see the target. If you hit an invisible or ethereal target, it loses its ethereal properties until the end of your next turn.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Ranged 1d8 Radiant 25/150ft

Cost: N¥ 15.000
Weight: 40lb.

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Statblock Type

