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Critical Role

Cobra belt

Wondrous Item

Rare None

The belt grants its wearer immunity to the poisoned condition. It can also be turned into a black cobra—poisonous snake—as a bonus action, using the stat block for that creature included in the Player's Handbook. This can be done once a day and lasts for one hour, until the snake is reduced to 0 hit points, or unless the snake moves more than 100 feet away from its   The snake follows verbal commands issued by the one who animated it. While a belt, the snake does not require food or water and is unaware of the time passing.

A startlingly realistic metal serpent that wraps into the shape of a belt, it's tail hooking into its jaws. The metal is made of black iron and each scale appears individually forged.

Weight: 2 lbs.

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Statblock Type

