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Truenorth Dagger


Very Rare Required by a cleric or sworn follower of Calorba; weapon (one-handed) Requires Attunement

This is dagger is a magical weapon. Attack rolls made with this weapon have +2 to hit and add +2 to all damage rolls made with this weapon. While attuned to this weapon, you can speak one of three command words to cause the dagger to perform one of three functions: North: the dagger will levitate and shift so that the tip of the dagger is pointing due north. If the dagger is on a plane of existence that does not have a true north then it will point towards the nearest cosmic anchor point. Mark: the dagger will magically mark its location with a rune only visible in the Ethereal Plane. The guard of the dagger will rotate 180 degrees to visually signal that the effect has been triggered. All previous runes disappear when a new mark is set. Trace: the dagger will levitate and shift so that the tip of the dagger is pointing towards the location of the marked set by the dagger. The dagger will only point towards the last set rune.

A fine hunting knife with a silver blade. Its hilt is wrapped in faded deerskin and its guard and pommel are made of antler bone.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d4+2 Piercing 5 ft. or 20/60 ft. when thrown

Weight: 1 lbs.

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