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Ultramodern5 Redux

Laser Leash

Weapon (Light)


Finesse, plasma, reach, reload (20-M), TL5

D&D Weapons Roll20

Weapon Properties

Check Weapons Properties for Plasma characteristics

Weapon Groups

A laser leash does not thrash or swing around—it remains concealed within its wrist-mounted harness until released.
It doesn’t even occupy a hand. Once released, it requires less finesse in attempting to grapple a target. Each round the leash is active uses a cell charge.

Energy Clutch (4th level)

A Large or smaller creature hit by your leash is restrained until freed. You cannot restrain creatures that are formless or incorporeal. A creature can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength check to free
itself. You can make only one attack with the leash as part of an Attack action regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. Once a target is grappled, you can no longer attack with a leash.

Stable Field (6th level)

Your reach extends to 15 feet.

Thumper (8th level)

As a bonus action against a target you are restraining with the leash, you can either toss it up to 10 feet in the air (5 feet for large targets) or pull it to within 5 feet of you.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6 Special Other

Cost: N¥ 7.000
Weight: 1lb.

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Statblock Type

