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Woe Piercer


Rare Evocation

  • Loading. The bow arms torque down and smash into the Spark, releasing a bolt of dark light. A Spark can withstand this force three times before it shatters, and an action is needed to reload a Spark into the firing chamber.
  • Dark Star. Channeling the Spark's destructive force through the barrel, the target takes 1d8+2 radiant damage, and 1d8+2 necrotic damage. If both d8 roll the same number, a flash of corrupted luminance sears into your target, and neither you nor the target can regain hit points or have their maximum hit points reduced until the end of your next turn.

A longarm that appears to be a strange combination of a rifle and a crossbow, the bow arms originating about halfway down the barrel, near the foregrip. When the trigger is pulled, the bow arms actually snap towards the firing chamber, delivering an impact on either side, where a Spark is housed, like a dark star. A lever action near the trigger resets the bow arms.

When you bear this item you feel the strain of endless resilience-- like your shadow grows heavy, but so too does your strength to carry it. Amidst the energetic exhaustion, there is an assurance that the exchange was worth it.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d8+2 radiant / 1d8+2 necrotic Other 80/320 ft

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