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Class: Wizard

The Apothecary subclass represents those wizards who have dedicated their studies to the arcane secrets of healing and the manipulation of life itself. These scholars are not mere spellcasters, but true alchemists of the body, blending magic with natural remedies to achieve extraordinary results.
Level 3: Student of the Craft   Beginning at 3rd level, you have taken up studies in the arts of making potions, the unorthodox ingredients required to make them, and their effects on the body.   You can spend some time with any potion or salve to carefully experiment and test its properties. If you spend a full minute uninterrupted, you can cast identify on the potion without expending a spell slot and without any components.   Additionally, you gain proficiency in the medicine skill and are also proficient with your choice of two from among the following:
  • Alchemist's Supplies: Gain proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies
  • Brewer's Supplies: Gain proficiency with Brewer's Supplies
  • Herbalism Kit: Gain proficiency with Herbalism Kit
  • Poisoner's Kit: Gain proficiency with Poisoner's Kit

Level 3: Bottled Spells

Also at 3rd level, students of the School or Apothecary learn to take the essence of their magic and distill it into an arcane concoction.   As an action, you may expend a spell slot to create a Bottled Spell. When you do, choose a spell from your Wizard's Spellbook that targets only a single creature or target. The chosen spell must also be of an equal or lower level than the spell slot expended this way.   As a bonus action, you may hand one of these Bottled Spells to another creature within 5 feet of you. Bottled Spells require an action to consume.   When a creature consumes a Bottled Spell, it becomes the target of the spell as if you had just cast it. If the spell requires concentration, the creature that consumed the spell must maintain concentration on it to continue the spell's effect.   Bottled Spells spoil at the end of a long rest and lose their potency (they disappear).

Level 6: Witch's Brew

Starting at 6th level, you have learned the art of extracting the most dire of potion ingredients - life force itself. As an action, you can expend a spell slot (without choosing a spell) to create a flask of your Witch's Brew. As a bonus action, you may hand one of your Witch's Brew to a creature within 5 feet of you.   It takes an action to consume a Witch's Brew. When a creature consumes your Witch's Brew, they may restore 1d8 hit points per level of the spell slot expended to create it.   If the Witch's Brew was created by expending a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, it also grants the effects of the lesser restoration spell. If it was created by expending a spell slot of 5th level or higher, it grants the effects of the greater restoration spell instead.   A creature may also use their action to throw a Witch's Brew at a creature within 30 feet of them. If they do, the effected creature restores only half as many hit points and the additional effects, if any, do not occur. Witch's Brews spoil at the end of a long rest and lose their potency (they disappear).

Level 10: Connoisseur of Concoctions

At 10th level, your extensive experience with potion crafting has made you an authority on all manner of topics in the field of potions. You know the special jargon, the most specific of ingredients, and the rarest of brews.   If you would make a Charisma skill check when conversing with an herbalist, potion maker, alchemist, or similar practicer of apothecary arts, you may add your Proficiency bonus to the roll, even if you have prior proficiency or expertise in the skill.   Additionally, once per day after you finish a long rest, you can spend one hour uninterrupted with your tools of choice to gather up basic ingredients from your travels and craft a classic potion of healing. At 14th level you can instead craft a potion of greater healing. At 18th level you can instead craft a potion of superior healing.   Finally, you are now able to know a potion's properties from a single glance. The time to identify a potion with your Student of the Craft feature now only requires a single action (6 seconds) of uninterrupted time.

Level 14: Master of the Craft

At 14th level, the finesse with which you create your various potions is unmatched. Now whenever you expend a spell slot to craft a Bottled Spell or a Witch's Brew, you create a second potion of that type. This secondary potion is treated as if it was created by expending a spell slot of the same level as the original.    

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