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Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Subclass created by Tillerz
ID Name Tags
Oath to Mosi
Archfey Patron
Celestial Patron
Fiend Patron
Great Old One Patron
Draconic Sorcery
Wild Magic Sorcery
Aberrant Sorcery
Fury Domain
Fey Wanderer
Gloom Stalker
Beast Master
Oath of Devotion PHB
Oath of Vengeance PHB
Oath of the Ancients PHB
Oath of Glory PHB
War Domain D&D Free Rules (2024)
Trickery Domain D&D Free Rules (2024)
Light Domain D&D Free Rules (2024)
Path of the Chronomancer
Path of the Life Warden
Path of the Shield Architect
Path of the Vital Weaver
Tradition of Ofridr
Tradition of Villr
Path of Ulfhednar
Path of Bjǫrnfægir
Path of Svinfylking
Necromancer Homebrew
Echo Knight Explorer&039;s Guide to Wildemount
Psi Warrior PHB
Eldritch Knight PHB
Champion PHB
Battle Master PHB
Thief PHB
Soulknife PHB
Assassin PHB
Arcane Trickster PHB
Warrior of the Open Hand PHB
Warrior of the Elements PHB
Warrior of Shadow PHB
Warrior of Mercy PHB
Circle of the Sea PHB
Circle of the Moon PHB
Circle of the Land PHB
Circle of the Stars PHB
Life Domain D&D Free Rules (2024)
College of Valor PHB
College of Lore PHB
College of Dance PHB
College of Glamour PHB
Path of the Berserker subclass barbarian path of the berserker