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Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Monster created by Tillerz
ID Name Tags
Dire Wolf
Beast of the Sky Ranger Small Beast Neutral
Beast of the Sea Ranger Medium Beast Neutral
Beast of the Land Ranger Medium Beast Neutral
White Fox Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden
Dragon Companion
Reindeer Large Beast Unaligned
Snowshoe Hare Tiny Beast
Crab Swarm
Cave Frog
Black Bear Beast Medium
Brown Bear
Badger Beast Tiny
Hoary Bat
Big Brown Bat Beast Tiny
Baboon Small Beast
Axe Beak Large Beast
Ape Medium Beast
Yeenoghu monster demon bbeg MotM
The Collector Enforcers The Collectors
Animated Object
Beast of the Sky Beast of the Sky Ranger Beastmaster
Beast of the Land Beast Master Ranger
Morwin Starkan
Shadow Undead MM14 CR 1/2
Skeleton MM24 Undead CR 1/4
Boneclaw Homebrew Undead CR 5
Red Panda Beast SRD CR 1/8
Giant Goat beast unaligned
Goat beast unaligned