In the heart of the Kingdom of Palischuk, Knyaz Lyubov issued a decree to solidify his dynasty's legitimacy. He sent forth a retinue led by Sir Vasilej Starosta, the Bogatyr. Accompanying Vasilej were his brother, the cossack Bertryll Starosta, the loyal...
The Scripture of the Divine Duality is the main religious text of the Church of the Twin Gods, the state religion of The Rivals Monarchy. It recounts the many parables and tales of the church and the Twin Gods they worship, Brandish and Fell, as well as other...
A young raider, given command of a small band of warriors, though something feels off. Ilgor guides her band of fighters to be something else, a lesser target for the City of Glaion. She has a way of handling things that has her family's best interest at...
This is the story of creation that incorporates many different belief systems. It is important to pay attention to all of the extended history in Full Content. Every nuance is explained and a lot of thought went into the original story. Some ideas were borrowed...
When the world seems to fall apart, there is always one lynchpin that holds steady. It might be twisting, might be bending, but that is only to adjust the weight of the load it carries as it never is removed, nor does it break. For Jean Redding, the lynchpin...
On a lonely island forgotten by history, a newcomer threatens the stable way of life that's been established over centuries of insulated independence... Pillars of society begin to shake and crumble as new ideas divide the populace, fissuring unspoken alliances...
These are a collection of religious scriptures or text acred to the Lassfydd religion. It is an anthology that are linked by the belief that they are collectively revelation of the Goddess of Light, Irath.
The Book of Starlight was written by an unknown author long before mortal life existed in any of the 5 Realms. Believed to be written by a prophet of sorts, it outlines the history of the Stargods and their realms and tells of the destruction of the impending...