The Amanin (singular, Amani), sometimes called Amanaman, were a primitive race from the planet Maridun. Amanin stood two to three meters tall, and had bright yellow and green skin, arms long enough to reach the ground, and ve
- Age
- 27
- Date of Birth
- 10 BBY,planet Maridun[3]
- Skin Tone/Pigmentation
- Yellow and green[3]
- Height
- 2–3 meters[2]
Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral gave anvil coins to Queen/King Amanin made anvil coins collection for me and started depositing anvil coins for the past planet Maridun[3] in 3-1-2022 for planet Maridun[3].
Later Queen/King Amanin will need to return anvil coins collection to queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral.
(Queen/King Tsurr Ackbar was Species Designation Sentient[1],Classification Planarian[1],the part her trisgrandmothers maternal or paternal and the part from him trisgrandfathers maternal or paternal of:
Teresa Vong:Single.)
Teresa Vong after she was married and she had a name and surname Teresa Vong do Amaral.)
(I'm Esbelta Teresa Amaral,my name Esbelta Teresa,(my surname Amaral),I only mixed your species )and others of the same (surname Amaral),they did not mix your species!
(Mine mother was Alias.
Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral was mine mother's daughter Alias.)
(Mine mother was Vong.
Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral was mine mother's daughter Vong.)
Teresa Vong
Teresa Vong do Amaral) (single and married) is mine mother name and mine mother surname.))
(I am queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral and I am the daughter of:
Teresa Vong
Teresa Vong do Amaral:single and married.)
( Alias
Teresa Vong
Teresa Vong do Amaral) (single and married),she) was mine mother,one she was going to travel and (Esbelta Teresa Amaral,I) was born-me.)
I am queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral and mine Blood group is G.)
⟟ ☊⊑⟒☊☍ ⏚⟒☊⏃⎍⌇⟒ ⟟ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎐⏃ ⍀ ⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⏁⊬⌿⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏⌇ ⌰⏃⏁⟒⍀ ⟟
⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⎎⟟⋏⎅ ⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⌇⟒ ⎐⏃ ⍀⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⏁⊬⌿⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏⌇ ⍙⟒⍀⟒ ⎎⍀⍜⋔
⏁⊑⟒ ⍾⎍⟒⟒⋏⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ☍⟟⋏☌⌇ ⍜⎎ ⏃⌰⌰ ⌿⌰⏃⋏⟒⏁⌇ ⍜⎎ ⌇⏁⏃ ⍀ ⍙⏃ ⍀⌇ ⎍⋏⟟⎐⟒⍀⌇⟒⌇.
⍙⊑⊬ ⎅⍜ ⟟⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⏁⊑⟒⌇⟒ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏⌇ ⌇⍜ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⟒
⍀⟒⌰⏃⏁⟟⍜⋏⌇⊑⟟⌿ ⏚⟒⏁⍙⟒⟒⋏ ⋔⟒ (Esbelta Teresa Amaral) ⏃⋏⎅ ⏁⊑⟒
⍾⎍⟒⟒⋏⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ☍⟟⋏☌⌇ ⍜⎎ ⏃⌰⌰ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌿⌰⏃⋏⟒⏁⌇ ⍜⎎ ⌇⏁⏃⍀ ⍙⏃ ⍀⌇ ⎍⋏⟟⎐⟒⍀⌇⟒⌇.
⟒⏃☊⊑ ⍾⎍⟒⟒⋏ ⍜⋏⌰⊬ ⊑⏃⎅ = ⏁⊬⌿⟒ ⍜⎎ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏.
⟒⏃☊⊑ ☍⟟⋏☌ ⍜⋏⌰⊬ ⊑⏃⎅ = ⏁⊬⌿⟒ ⍜⎎ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏.
⍙⊑⊬ ⎅⍜ ⟟ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎐⏃ ⍀ ⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⏁⊬⌿⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⋔⏃☌⟟☊⟟⏃⋏⌇?
((Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) was married,
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) only eats and sleeps,
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) didn't work at all.
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) was married,
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) had surname of your husband,
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,her) husband
(her,Teresa Vong do Amaral),
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) didn't have a job.
Many people disguised (her,Teresa Vong do Amaral) employees and many people stole money from (her,Teresa Vong do Amaral)!
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) had no money created
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) didn't exercise many people.
Other people made false statements and always stole money from (her,Teresa Vong do Amaral)!
(Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) said:
other people ate all the food and (Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) didn't need to eat?
Others were older than
and other people could eat the food?
Did other people know (Teresa Vong do Amaral,she) was very hungry?)
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,Mine) mother didn't give (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) money for (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral)!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,My) father didn't give (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) money for (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral)!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,I) didn't miss money from other people!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,My) money was not (my,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) mother's!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,My) money was not (Esbelta Teresa Amaral,my) father's!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,My) money was not yours!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,My) money was (Esbelta Teresa Amaral,mine)!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,I) didn't help other people return money for other people!
It was this or it is person was missing someone else's money then this this person returned money for other people!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,I) was not this person that this person was missing money from other people!
(Esbelta Teresa Amaral,Mine) mother was single
they lacked money
or (mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral)mother
was married missing
their money
please they spoke
(mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) mother's name and surname!
They always said mother.
(They did not know how to speak
the name
and (mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) last name
mother) then they would say: there was nothing with (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral)
and (mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) mother's last name!
They told a lie to
(mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) mother was missing
they wanted (me,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) to pay them money
and (I,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) not
(I,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) knew why (I,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) paid.
(Mine,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) mother was not missing
their money.
(I,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) didn't miss
of them.
Anvil coins was (my,Esbelta Teresa Amaral) money.
(The Alliance to restore the Republic(2BBY-4ABY)was Tatooine Cell's Subsidiary Organization for Anvil coins(Rebel Alliance-Galactic Empire).
Anvil coins was not nacionalities of earth people.
Anvil coins was not species from countries of people of the earth.)
(Star Wars:species Human is not species from countries of people of the earth).
(All kings and queens of star wars were true of families! The kings and queens of star wars had their own identify true of each one and own identify it wasn't game!)
Real king of star wars had star wars species!
Real queen of star wars had star wars species!
(I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) see handwritten signature and (I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) will find out true or false signature.(3 people made (my,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) false signature of 4 years and lent money (2020 years started it)) then (I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) will know and (I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) delete all (my,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) false signature writing of 3 people,((I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) didn't tell person to lend money to (me,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) and no one give money to (me,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral)!) 3 people said other people lent money to 3 people and (3 people will return money to other people. (I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) will not help return money about 3 people. Then(I,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) write (my,Queen Esbelta Teresa Amaral) true signature writing to do things.
Personal history
A Lurmen village
Maridun was a subject world of the Infinite Empire, though any and all traces of that long-forgotten government had disappeared by the time explorers first came upon the planet during the millennium surrounding the blazing of the Hydian Way. Those who first visited the planet quickly found the native Amanin to be frightening and vicious, and no known colonies were established during the time before the Ruusan Reformation of the Galactic Republic. While not directly involved in any early conflicts with the Republic, Maridun was located in space controlled by the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars and later the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War.[1]
During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, a colony of Lurmen was established on the planet.[3] As the Lurmen were pacifists, Maridun's neutrality and independence offered them a haven from the war,[3][9] which had quickly spread[1] to their species' homeworld of Mygeeto,[10] a Republic target because of its affiliation with the InterGalactic Banking Clan.[11] Led by village elder Tee Watt Kaa, the Lurmen erected a strongly pacifist society; nevertheless, the war was brought to them when a Republic cruiser carrying members of the Jedi Order crash-landed on the planet after a hyperdrive malfunction. In hopes of aiding an injured Jedi Knight named Anakin Skywalker, Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Knight Aayla Secura sought out the Lurmen settlement.[3] As the Jedi began the recovery process, Confederate General Lok Durd landed on the planet and claimed to represent a peaceful government interested in saving the Lurmen from the Jedi Order and the Republic. Maridun was, in fact, a prime location to test fire the Defoliator weapon the Confederacy had just constructed. Kaa nearly accepted the Lurmen "destiny" to be destroyed by this weapon, but the recovered Jedi went against his orders to leave the planet and set up a shield defense around the village. During the ensuing battle, the Jedi disabled the Defoliator and captured Durd.[9]
A tribe of Amanin on Maridun
Years after the war, using old data files on the planet, the Empire officially annexed the world in 11 BBY and established a mining operation on the planet. While the Imperial occupation went unperturbed for its first decade, the tribal Amanin rose up in defiance of the Imperial invaders and attacked the colony. As the casualties mounted, Imperial officer Janek Sunber, who had taken the command of the Imperial forces following the death of General Ziering, discovered the Amanin concept of takital and that they were an intelligent species capable of negotiating. Following a bloody battle, the Imperials made a deal with an Amanin lorekeeper in which his tribe would help slave traders capture Amanin from other tribes as slaves.[5]
Following the Imperial victory on Maridun, the battle became something of a legend amongst Imperial infantry, the Imperial propaganda machine having made the battle into a heroic struggle for survival—and of course, a success—from the display of officer ineptitude it had in fact been. After the Empire moved its attention towards other systems, smaller private interests, especially those associated with criminals like the Hutts, began to take control of the slave trade. After only a few years of Imperial and private slave trading, Amanin were spread through much of the galaxy. Some of these Amanin returned to Maridun with blasters and other advanced technology, taking control of local tribes. As cities began forming around old Imperial spaceports, the planet quickly became a hideout for those hoping to avoid local law enforcement in neighboring star systems.[2]
Following the fall of the Empire, Maridun was located in space controlled by Zsinj's Empire.[1] When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Maridun was cut off from the rest of civilization and controlled by the Yuuzhan Vong empire from 27 to 29 ABY until the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated and driven from the worlds they had conquered.[8]
The Galactic Republic made contact with Maridun long before the rise of the Galactic Empire, though it was under the Empire that colonies were first officially established on the world. Before that, however, in 22 BBY, a colony of Lurmen attempted to establish themselves on Maridun. They were met with hostility from the Amanin, who attacked their ship and ruined its engines. The Amanin seemed to both hate and venerate the vessel, and the Lurmen leader, Tee Watt Kaa, decided to give it to them, by ejecting an escape pod containing all his people.[5]
Amani attack on Imperial troops during the Battle of Maridun
Around 10 BBY, the Empire began mining operations on Maridun. The Imperials, corporate slave traders, and criminal interests began taking Amani slaves offworld. During the Galactic Civil War, Maridun was occupied by Galactic Empire forces.[3] When Imperial forces commanded by General Ziering unwittingly crossed a border to sacred Amani battlegrounds, the local Amani tribe declared them to be participants in a takital, a conflict that is known as the Battle of Maridun. A young officer called Lieutenant Janek Sunber distinguished himself during the conflict and eventually brokered an accord with the tribal lorekeeper.[6]
In the deal, all captives taken from other tribes during takitals would be given to the Empire as slaves, and in return, Imperial forces would keep off the tribal lands. Similar agreements were subsequently struck with other tribal leaders, and as a result many Amani slaves were forced to work in the mines on Maridun or scattered throughout the galaxy as laborers for the Imperial machine.[3]
Outer Rim Territories; Borderland Regions[1]
Rolion sector[1]
Maridun system[1]
Intellectual Characteristics
Native species
Immigrated species
Known Languages
Primary language(s)
The major events and journals in Amanin's history, from the beginning to today.
journal titles
journal titles ....
07:24 am - 13.12.2024The list of amazing people following the adventures of Amanin.