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Airen Cracken

journals in Airen's history, from the beginning to today.

by King Airen Cracken

Airen Cracken was a Human male resistance fighter from Contruum who became a general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic.
... journal, it is unknown if he has learned this power, or if he has taught it ... Cracken's Threat Dossier, The Dark Side. Sourcebook, The Force Unleashed ...
Alliance Intelligence Reports
ers, General Airen Cracken is lrnown as the man who has saved ... see Star Wars Adventure Journal #4, pages 133-. 134.) The Council boasts over ..
Journal #3 by West End Games, the Senate was dissolved on 35:3:5 ... Game—“Cracken's Threat Dossier”

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  1. journals in Airen's history, from the beginning to today.
    Airen Cracken