Fri 30th Apr 2021 07:29

Holo to Master Vida

by R2 A3

<holo springs to life revealing Ace>
Beedoowop brrupt dweezle grong...
Sorry that was binary, my bad!
I hope this holo finds you and your wife well and free of imperial hands. I am well thank you for your consideration. Xsosa has found herself as a sort of spiritual advisor and voice of reason to the group and everyone likes her. One person, in my opinion, is a little too fond of Xsosa, and he has her confounded with his charms. Since getting involved with Xsosa, I have found him in the bed of every other female, wookiee or not, that is on the ship and there are a few. Xsosa seems to be swallowing her feelings about this, but if she starts crying, rest assured, I'll space the meatbag.
Anyway, I have learned much and upgraded my programming many times, I think you would be impressed
Your humble Servant
Oh, yeah, just send word and the scum is as good as out of her life, in a permanent way.
I eagerly await your instruction.

The major events and journals in R2's history, from the beginning to today.

Holo to Master Vida

<holo springs to life revealing Ace> Beedoowop brrupt dweezle grong... Sorry that was binary, my bad! I hope this holo finds you and your wife well and free of imperial hands. I am well thank you for your consideration. Xsosa has found herself ...

07:29 am - 30.04.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of R2.